Program and Presentations

What is on the agenda


Below you will find presentations from the Avenir Suisse Think Tank Summit 2019. To download a presentation, click on “slides” behind a particular speech title.

Monday, 21 January 2019
11.00 - 12.15Visitor Room (Plenary session)Welcome Note - Peter Grünenfelder, Avenir Suisse

Introduction - Natanael Rother, Avenir Suisse

Input - (In)Equality of what? (Slides), Nils Karlson, Ratio Institute

Chair: Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
12.30 - 13.30Visitor Room (Lunch session A) Is there a link between economic growth and (in)equality?

Inequality and Political Instability (Slides), Anastassios Frangulidis, Pictet

Growth, Equality and Middle Class in Finland (Slides), Ilkka Haavisto, EVA

Chair: Peter Grünenfelder, Avenir Suisse
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Lunch session B) What are the facts and figures about wealth inequality?

Developments on a Global Scale (Slides), Hanno Lorenz, Agenda Austria

New Findings about Wealth and Inequality in Switzerland (Slides), Ursina Kuhn, University of Lausanne

Chair: Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
13.30 - 14.00, Coffee Break
14.00-15.00Visitor Room Session AResearch discussion: How did the top income evolve?

Top Incomes and the Composition of Top Earners – Evidence from Switzerland (Slides):
Presenter: Isabel Martinez, University of St. Gallen
Discussant: Miguel Otero, Elcano Royal Institute

Chair: Daniel Pryor Adam Smith Institute
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Session B)Drivers of (in)equality. What role of monetary policy and the institutional setting?

Inequality and Monetary Policy (Slides), Jennifer Langenegger, Avenir Suisse

Inequality and Institutions. A Case of Switzerland (Slides), Lukas Schmid & Christian Frey, University of Lucerne

Chair: Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
15.00 - 15.30, Coffee Break
15.30-16.30Visitor Room (Session A)What are the main drivers of (in)equality?

Gender Equality – Why it Matters to Income Inequality (Slides), Susan Harkness, University of Bristol

Technological change and inequality: Florian Scheuer, University of Zurich

Chair: Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Session B)What are the consequences of political driven equality and inequality?

Actual and Perceived Inequality (Slides), Judith Niehues, IW – Köln

Inequality and Politics (Slides), Matti Apunen, EVA

Chair: Natanael Rother, Avenir Suisse
16.30 - 17.00, Coffee Break
17.00-17.15Visitor Room (Plenary session)Summary of the two tracks

Natanael Rother, Peter Grünenfelder, Patrick Dümmler
17.15-18.30Visitor Room (Plenary session)Changes in the Global Distribution and Their Political Consequences (Slides)

Keynote & Talk: Branko Milanovic, The Graduate Center. City University of New York

Chair: Peter Grünenfelder & Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse
18.30 - 20.00, Cocktail reception, Restaurant Air

Tuesday, 22 January 2019
8.00 - 8.45Visitor Room (Breakfast session A)What are the best data bases?

Income Database of Harmonized Microdata: LIS – Cross National Data Center in Luxembourg (Slides), Daniele Checchi, LIS Luxembourg

Databases for Measuring Inequality (Slides), Martina Guggisberg & Irene Carbone, Bundesamt für Statistik

Chair: Natanael Rother, Avenir Suisse
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Breakfast Session B)How to fight inequality? A case study from South Africa

Christoph Schmocker, Julius Bär Foundation

Louise van Rhyn, Symphonia/Possibility-Project

Chair: Jennifer Langenegger, Avenir Suisse
08.45 - 09.00, Coffee Break
9.00-10.00Visitor Room (Plenary session)Social mobility

Social Mobility (Slides), Markus Jäntti, University of Stockholm

The Longterm Evolution of Inequality of Opportunity (Slides), Daniele Checchi, LIS Luxembourg

Chair: Peter Grünenfelder, Avenir Suisse
10.00 - 10.15, Coffee Break
10.15-11.00Visitor Room (Session A)What Are the Drivers of Equality? (Slides)

Ulf Berg, BLR & Partners AG
Lars Tvede

Video of the Session

Chair: Peter Grünenfelder, Avenir Suisse
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Session B)Inequality for ever?

Inequality and Income Mobility (Slides), Martin Agerup, Cepos

Chair: Salomè Vogt, Avenir Suisse
11.00 - 11.15, Coffee Break
11.15-12.15Visitor Room (Session A)Idea Factory 1: What are best practices for equality in terms of education?

The Impact of Education on Social Mobility (Slides), Stina Vrang Elias, DEA

Switzerland’s Dual Track System Fosters Stable Income Distribution (Slides), Tobias Schlegel, University of Zurich

Chair: Matthias Ammann, Avenir Suisse
Radisson Blu, Basel 1+2 (Session B)Idea Factory 2: Best practice for equality: flexible/liberal labour market

Liberal Ideas for the Labour Market (Slides), Tibère Adler, Avenir Suisse

Skills Forcasting: How Do We Prepare Workers for Future Labour Markets? (Slides), Stefan Heumann, Stiftung Neue Verantwortung

Chair: Samuel Rutz, Avenir Suisse
Visitor Room (Plenary session)Outlook

Fishbowl discussion about inequality in the future.

Chair: Patrick Dümmler, Avenir Suisse

Ultimate summary
13.30-14.00Visitor Room (Plenary session)Snacks

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