Our Donors

Avenir Suisse stands for an open and progressive Switzerland. Our extensive Donor Group allows us to research independently and develop liberal reform policies that increase the prosperity of the general population.

We are proud and grateful for the generous support from all economic sectors and regions of Switzerland.

About Us

Avenir Suisse is privately funded. Its Donor Group includes small and large companies from all economic sectors and regions of Switzerland, as well as private individuals. Thanks to this wide backing, the think tank is free of special interests and is able to address uncomfortable issues and political taboos.

The Support Foundation was created in 2005 to secure Avenir Suisse’s long-term financial support through active engagement with donors from a broad range of economic sectors.

The Support Foundation is officially registered in the Swiss Commercial Register and subject to audits by federal authorities as specified by Article 80ff of the federal Civil Code. In accordance with the tax administration of Canton Berne, since 12 July 2005 all contributions to the funding of the Donor Foundation are tax-exempt.

Please find more information about our work in our Annual Report.


Our think tank continued to think hard about where we are and where we’re headed. Inspiring and challenging, we provided plenty of food for thought, and in some cases managed to provoke heated debate. Download our Annual Report here to get an overview of our work last year.

Membership in the Donor Group


Membership in the Donor Group is available for private individuals and companies. We look forward to increasing and diversifying our Donor Group. Most donor partnerships are developed on a three to five year basis.

Membership Benefits

As a member of Avenir Suisse’s Donor Group

  • We invite you to participate in various events. These range from the traditional “Autumn Conference”, talks and monthly Brown Bag Lunches with renowned experts to comprehensive roundtable discussions in smaller working groups.
  • You will attend our exclusive Annual Dinner. This event is organized exclusively for the CEOs and the chairmen of the board of directors of our supporting companies and organisations.
  • You have the possibility to profit from Avenir Suisse’s extensive research and expertise.
  • You will receive all of our publications free of charge.

Would you like to support our think tank or do you have any questions about our work? If you wish to receive further information, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to hearing from you.

Donor Foundation

Daniel Daeniker, President
Jürg Müller
Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini
Felix Reiff


Contact person of the Support Foundation
Fabienne Reiter

Our Donors

Private Individuals

Albers Franz
Burckhardt Andreas
Kielholz Walter
Kurer Peter

Lemann Jorge Paulo
Oberholzer Matthias
Piffaretti Sandro

Reber Dominique
Reinhart Matthias
Sprüngli Luzius

Statna David
Steimer Olivier
von Stockar Daniel

Companies and Foundations

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