Does Liberalism Still Have a Future? Prosperity and progress are important for a free society. But without a sense of community that arises from individual will, liberalism has no foundation. 31.01.2025, Jürg Müller
Switzerland in International Rankings The development of Switzerland’s competitiveness – and why interpreting rankings requires caution 29.04.2024, Patrick Leisibach, Lino Müller
Runnings and Rankings Hannah’s Quicktakes on Switzerland in international comparison 29.04.2024, Hannah Wise
Global GDP: Overestimated by 25 Percent Enormous deviations in the comparison of actual and forecast GDP growth fundamentally call into question the value of longer-term impact analyses 30.08.2022, Lukas Rühli
Switzerland Should Embrace Business, Not Suspect It Focus of the month Big companies are crucial to the country’s prosperity 09.11.2020, Haig Simonian
Switzerland’s Francophone Powerhouse The uniquely dynamic momentum of the Lake Geneva region 31.05.2019, Haig Simonian
The Uniquely Dynamic Momentum of the Lake Geneva Region avenir spécial New avenir special 08.05.2019, Jérôme Cosandey
Switzerland‘s Farmers’ Lobby on the Defensive Swiss farmers have the most powerful and single biggest lobby in the federal parliament. This explains why they are able to protect their interests (e.g. through tough barriers on foreign food). But this agricultural protectionism can lead to big difficulties amid accelerating trade liberalisation and negotiations with ever stronger regional partnerships. 28.03.2018, Haig Simonian
Switzerland Must Prepare for the Next Challenges Roger Partridge, Chairman of the New Zealand Initiative think tank, met with Avenir Suisse 30.06.2017, Jakob Schaad
Structural Change in the Swiss Mountain Region Development strategies for new sources of economic value 07.02.2017, Daniel Müller-Jentsch
NFA 2 – Towards a Revitalisation of Swiss Federalism The new study by Avenir Suisse calls for the implementation of "NFA 2" (Intercantonal Tax Allocation 2) to fundamentally revitalize the fiscal nature of Swiss federalism. The handling of fiscal transfers between the cantons is to be clarified, and a clearer separation of responsibilities between the federal government and the cantons must be promoted. 13.01.2017, Lukas Rühli, Natanael Rother
Au revoir Early French Foreign language teaching is getting the Swiss hot under the collar again – particularly when it comes to which of the four national languages should be taught as a second tongue in primary schools. However the story ends, it would be undesirable to let the issue dilute cantonal responsibility for education, as that would handicap creative solutions from the start. 10.08.2016, Fabian Schnell
Growth – why, how much and how A new publication and graphical supplement on economic growth 19.01.2016, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Samuel Rutz
Avenir Suisse’s Freedom Index: It‘s Getting Tougher at the Top An innovative interactive tool to compare the civil and economic freedoms of Swiss cantons 18.12.2015, Samuel Rutz, Tobias Schlegel
Staying competitive with the strong franc An “avenir special” following the Swiss National Bank’s 15 January decision 25.06.2015, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Peter Buomberger
We Must Stick To Our Principles Ordoliberalism – the social market economy – has served Switzerland and Germany well. So it’s almost grotesque to hear demands from other countries to break its rules. It’s not pragmatism we need, but sticking to our principles. 29.05.2015, Gerhard Schwarz
Of old and new privileges How the cantons sustain monopolies instead of supporting markets 11.12.2014, Samuel Rutz und Lukas Schmid
Singapore – surviving by success The aim of the new „avenir special“ on Singapore is to encourage people to take a bold approach to thinking about Switzerland. 19.08.2014, Gerhard Schwarz, Simone Hofer Frei, Samuel Rutz