About Us

Avenir Suisse is an independent think tank that works for the future of Switzerland by developing evidence-based, liberal, free-market ideas.


Our Guiding Principle

A Think Tank for Switzerland

Avenir Suisse develops ideas for Switzerland’s future. We identify relevant topics, give early warnings when action is required, and recommend solutions. Avenir Suisse’s ideas are designed to prepare the political and social ground for reform. The motivation behind Avenir Suisse’s work is the longterm preservation and enhancement of Switzerland’s prosperity.


Avenir Suisse develops its views independently and free of political constraints. This autonomy is guaranteed by our donors’ commitment to long-term funding and our clear corporate governance rules. As a non-profit foundation focused on thought leadership and research requiring absolute independence, in contrast to other interest groups and lobbies, Avenir Suisse does not participate in the consultative phase of legislation or in Swiss referendum campaigns.

Evidence-based Policy Research

Avenir Suisse’s own researchers work with institutions in Switzerland and abroad to formulate evidence-based, primarily economically-founded reforms. A particular emphasis is fostering open dialog with policymakers and business leaders, and communicating its findings clearly and appropriately to its target audiences.


Avenir Suisse’s approach is firmly rooted in liberal social principles and free market economics. It’s driven by the conviction that the best basis for widespread prosperity is a liberal state and open society that promote individual enterprise, individual responsibility, and modernization.

The Prosperity House

Avenir Suisse wants to contribute to ensuring and increasing the prosperity of broad sections of the Swiss population on a long-term basis. To do so, our research focuses on five drivers which we see as key to the further development of “Prosperity House Switzerland.” Additionally, we look at cross-sectional themes such as digitization and demographics, which influence all the drivers and are therefore incorporated in all our proposed solutions.

Corporate Governance

Board of Trustees

In its capacity as Avenir Suisse’s most senior body, the Board of Trustees selects the members of all committees and the director. The Trustees meet once or twice a year to approve the budget, the annual report, and the financial statements.

Michel M. Liès (Chair)
Markus Neuhaus (Vice-Chair)
Suzanne Thoma (Vice-Chair)
Matthias Aellig
Lionel Aeschlimann
Albert M. Baehny
Gustav Baldinger
Andreas Berger
Beat Brechbühl
Paul Bulcke
Daniel Daeniker
Josef Felder
Eftychia Fischer
Lukas Gähwiler
Calvin Grieder
Thomas Hammer
Michael Hengartner
Romeo Lacher
Raymond Loretan
Ruth Metzler-Arnold
Carolina Müller-Möhl
Karin Perraudin
Marc Pictet
Jörg Reinhardt
Thomas Schmuckli
Severin Schwan
Gerhard Schwarz
Michael Steinmann
Thomas von Planta
Peter Voser
Wolfgang Wienand

Management Committee

The management committee supervises the foundation’s operations, approving thematic priorities, overseeing the finances, and preparing meetings of the board of trustees.

Michel M. Liès (Chair)
Daniel Daeniker
Eftychia Fischer
Reto Föllmi
Markus Neuhaus
Suzanne Thoma

Support Foundation

An extensive support group of donors ensures that the foundation’s activities are funded sustainably for the long term. It comprises organizations and individual donors that have made a significant contribution on a one-off or ongoing basis. The support group serves as a sounding board for Avenir Suisse’s project activities. Here you will find all our donors.

Daniel Daeniker (Chair)
Jean-Pierre Pedrazzini
Felix Reiff
Jürg Müller

Nomination Committee

The nomination committee is responsible for selecting candidates for all the foundation’s committees and its management.

Suzanne Thoma (Chair)
Eftychia Fischer
Thomas von Planta
Peter Voser

Finance Committee

The finance committee supervises the financial affairs of Avenir Suisse. It checks quarterly figures, annual results, and the budget.

Markus Neuhaus (Chair)
Lionel Aeschlimann
Romeo Lacher

Program Committee

The program committee advises the director on setting research priorities, as well as guiding project work and assuring the methodological quality of Avenir Suisse’s work. It meets three times a year to discuss individual projects in detail.

Committee representatives are also in close dialog with think tank staff outside formal meetings.

Prof. Reto Föllmi (Chair)
Prof. Aymo Brunetti
Prof. Markus Gabriel
Prof. Silja Häusermann
Prof. Karen Horn
Guy Petignat

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