The freedom index shows that for years, Switzerland has scored highly in important international rankings of freedom, demonstrating the privilege is well established here. But a common characteristic of all the international league tables is they barely take account of federalism and the cantonal differences in freedoms that result.
Avenir Suisse’s “Freedom Index” tries to correct things. It sets out 21 economic and civil indicators and allows direct and transparent comparisons between cantons as regards the acceptance and implementation of key libertarian principles. Alongside hard economic data, like the tax rate for an average family, levies on hotels and restaurants, or the extent of cantonal monopolies, civil indicators are included. How many speed traps are there? How long does it take on average to obtain planning permission?
Of course, freedom is subjective and can’t be measured exactly. Everybody has their own opinion about the term. So Avenir Suisse’s “Freedom Index” is interactive: users can select the “freedom factors” that are most important to them. Try it out for yourself!